日本語 - Grammar Level 5

Grammar levels here will loosely correlate to JLPT levels, but more closely follow the Genki Series. This is intended to be a quick reference guide for myself by maybe it could be useful to others

This stuff in level 5 is based off the stuff over at the みんなの日本語 page.


Particle Example Short Summary
わたしは Aです (I am A) Particle to mark subject of a sentence, In this case わたし/I
わたしは うまが すき です (I like Horses). The particle is similar to the particle from lesson 1 in that both can be used to mark the subject of a sentence. The general rule is that always marks the main subject of a sentence while marks a secondary subject. In the example sentence I am the main subject and what I like Horses are the secondary subject.
  おさけを のみますか (do you drink alcohol?) Marks the direct object of a verb. This means the verb the action is modifying.
Aさんは オーストラリアじん です. Bさんも オーストラリアじん です (A is Australian. B is also Australian.) is like saying this is also true for x. can replace both and directly, but for and it is appended into にも and でも
の (ownership) それは Aさんの です (That belongs to A) Particle is attached to a Noun to show ownership.
の (Noun Substitute) たべものは からい の は にがてです (As for food I cannot eat spicy food) can also be used to substitute a noun that is already known by context, this typically sounds more natural that repeating a noun.
の (Place Relativity) いすの うえに ねこが います (There is a cat on the chair) Can be used to specify a place relative to another.
に (Time) 12じに おきました (I woke up at 12 o’clock) The particle can be used to mark what time something takes place or happens. It is important to note is only used for static time phrases not dynamic ones. Please see details in linked page.
に (Frequency) 1年に 5回 ぐらい 映画を みます (I watch about 5 movies each year) Used to specify a frequency withing a timeframe. <TimeFrame>に<TimesPerTimeframe>
に (Purpose) 渋谷へ お酒を のみに いきました (I went to Shibuya to drink). よこはま へ コンサート に いきました (I went to Yokohoma for a concert). marks the reason you go somewhere. In this case the まし is removed from the Verb. So the form is <Place>へ<thing>を<Verb>に<いきまし>.
と (And) ワインと ビル を のみます (I drink both wine and beer) “And” (AB が すき です)
と (with) だれと 東京へ いきませか (who did you go to 東京 with?) is used to join Nouns showing something was done together
きょうとうへ 行きます (I am going to kyoto) Particle after a location to show heading.
で (Method of) なんで 東京へ いきましたか (how did you get to 東京) しんかんせんで いきます (I came by shinkannsenn) Used to explain a method of doing something
で (Location) えきで しんぶんを かいます (I bought a newspaper at the train station) Used to mark the location where you do something.
で (Tool Used) なにで ごはんを たべますしたか (What did you eat with). はし で たべました (With Chopsticks) Marks the tool used to perform an action.
で (of this group) 日本の 料理で (なにが/いつが) 一番 すきですか (What kind of Japanese cooking do you like most) Used to indicate a choice within a group of things like Japanese cooking. Difference between (なにが/いつが) is still unclear to me when you use what.
で (Duration of Time) にじかんで ほんを よみました (I read a book in 4 hours) is very similar to in terms of referring to time. However is used with かん to show how long an action took rather than when an action took place.


Form Example Short Summary
い-Adjectives And な-Adjectives n/a In Japanese there are 2 types of Adjectives: い-Adjectives And な-Adjectives. Please see the full page for identifying which are which and for exceptions.
い-Adjectives And な-Adjectives (Negating) n/a The way you create the negative for of an Adjective depends on the adjective type. The exceptions have their own rules as well. Please see full article.
い and な past tennse conjugation n/a Please see linked page (to be updated) for past tense conjugations.
て Form Conjugations 皆の日本語 See linked page Conjugation rules for ます form to form.
て-Form (な-Adjectives) 親切で きれい です ((Subject) is Kind and Pretty)    Used to link multiple adjectives together to create more descriptive sentences. is appended to the な-adjective to create the て-Form.
て-Form (い-Adjectives) たかくて しんせつ です ((Subject) is Tall and Kind) Used to link multiple adjectives together to create more descriptive sentences. The of an い-adjective is replaced with くて to create the て-Form.
て-Form (Noun) 日本人で きれいな 人 です ((Subject) is a person who is japanese and pretty) The form of a Noun can be used as an Adjective in the same way. is appended to the Noun to create the て-Form.
た-Form (Casual Past) 食べた (Ate) Turns a Verb into a Noun. This allows it to be marked with particles such as .
たい-Form (Want) どれが 飲みたい ですか (Which drink do you want) みずが 飲みたい です (Water is the drink I want) Conjugation used to indicate something is wanted.
ない-Form (Negative Plain / Not) 分からない ((Subject) does not understand) Negative plain form. Makes the conjugated term its negative.

Sentence Enders

Sentence Enders Example Short Summary
です わたしは Aです (I am A) To state something is used at end of sentence.
ですか あのひとは だれ ですか (Who is that person?) Appended to です making the statement a question instead.
わたしの くにの 8月は あまり あつくないです よ (I assume you don't know that in my country its not very hot in August.) The particle can be placed at the end of a sentence when the speaker expects the information they are providing to be new to the listener. In the case of the example the speaker does not expect the listener knows about the weather in their country

Grammar Points

Grammar Point Example Short Summary
じゃありません わたしは がくせい じゃ ありません (I am not a student) This is the negative form of です to state something IS NOT.
さん Aさん Polite Honorific for someones name. This is generally how you should refer to people in Japanese. Similar to MR/MRS/etc.
これ、それ、あれ これは ほん です (This is a book) These act as noun placeholders for this, that, that over there. They are treated as a noun themselves.
この、その、あの このかばんは わたしの です (This bag belongs to me) These are not treated as Nouns themselves and must always have a noun attached in the format this<noun>, that<noun>, that-over-there<noun>.
だれ これは だれの ですか (Who does this belong to?) Used to ask who owns something.
なん (what) これは なん ですか (What is this?) ほんです (A book). Used to ask what something is.
なんの それは なんの ざっし ですか (What kind of magazine is that?). くるまの ざっし です (A car magazine) Used to ask what type of x something is.
なんさい ミラーさんは なんさい ですか (How old is ミラーさん?) Used to ask how old someone is.
ちがいます いいえ ちがいます (No, thats not the case) ちがいます is used say something is not the case, this is a standalone statement.
ここ ここは がっこう です (The school is here) particle for “Here” (ここ は X です) here is X where X could be School, shop, etc
どこ がっこうは どこ ですか (Where is the school) “Where”, used to ask where something is
どこの これは どこの ワイン ですか (Where is this whine from?), これは にほんの ワイン です (This wine is from Japan) Where did x come from (country, etc)
そうですか そうですか (Is that so) “Is that so” / “oh I see”. Used to acknowledge speaker
こちら、そちら、あちら、どちら がっこうは あちら です (School is over there) Polite forms used for people and directions rather than places (need to understand better)
から – まで ひるやすみは 12じ から 1じ まで です (Lunch break is from 12 to 1) From time x to time y
なん-X あなたは まいにち なんじに おきます (What time do you wake up everyday?) なんじ (what time), なんばん (what number), なんようび (what day), なんげつ (what month)
時 ふん ぶん 12じ <> 12時 (12 o’clock) for stating time
X-も (not any X) 何も 食べません (I do not eat anything) どこにも (Nowhere), なにも (Nothing) だれも (Nobody). is suffixed to question words to mean none of question. This is used along with negative sentences.
いつ (when) いつ にほんへ いきますたか (When did you come to Japan?) いつ is simply when
いっしょに (together) いっしょに おさけを のみませんか (Shall we drink together?) Literally “Together”. Used to create invites.
X-ませんか (Invitation) いっしょに おさけを のみませんか (Shall we drink together?) To invite someone you use the negative form of a verb to create a question.
X-ましょう (Lets X Together) はい のみましょう (Yes, lets drink together) Modifies a verb generally used to accept an invite.
それから (and then/after) にほんごを べんきょうしました。それから ともだちと えいがを みました。 (I studied Japanese. After that I saw a movie with my friend.) Literally Then after that ....
もう (Already) もう ひるごはんを たべましたか (Have you already eaten lunch?) Literally Already used as a prefix.
あげます (give) いもうとは ともだちに はなを あげました (My sister gave her friend flowers) Used when giving from close to far –> (((You) –> (Family/Friends)) –> Everyone else).
もらいました (receiving) せんせいに ほんを もらいました (I received a book from sensei) Used to say you received something.
おくり (To send) もう にもつ おくり ましたか (Did you already send the luggage?) Used to say something is sent.
かります (To Borrow) Aさんに ほんを かります (I borrow a book from A) Used when saying something is borrowed
かします (To Lend) Aさんに ほんを かします (I lend a book to A) Used when saying something is lent
おしえます (To teach) Aさんは Bさんに おしえます (A teaches B)
ならいます (To learn from) Aさんに テニスを ならいまし (I am learning tennis from A)
そして (and same) このへやは きれいです。 そして ひろいですよ(This room is is both clean and spacious) そして is used to say something is x and y. Where x and y must either BOTH be good or bad. You cannot use そして for a good and bad thing.
けど (and different)  にほんごは おもしろいです けど とても むずかしい (Japanese is interesting but very difficult) けど is used in the same context as そして but used to show conflicting ideas. Where x is good and y is bad.
どんな (What Kind Of) どんな たべものが すきですか (What kind of food do you like?) Used when asking someone what sort of x questions. どんな AFAIK Must always be followed by a Noun どんな<Noun>.
どう (How is) にほんごの べんきょうは どう ですか (How is studying Japanese?). Used to ask how something is like. AFAIK must always be at the end of a sentence in the form どう ですか
basic adjective use ゆうめいな ひと (Famous Person - な-Adjective), たかい かばん (an expensive bag い-Adjective) When prefixing a な-adjective to a Noun you must prefix it in the format <な-adjective>な<noun> - for い-adjectives the prefix is direct <い-adjective><noun>
すきじゃ ありません (Dislike) A:ダンスが すきですか. B: いいえ すきじゃ ありません. (A: "Do you like Dancing? B: No, I do not like) Used to say you dislike something, Can also be shorted to じゃない in more casual speech.
から (Because of) いそがしいです から テレビを みません (I did not watch TV because I was busy) から is used in the following way <Reason>から<Thing> where the reason always comes before the thing being explained.
どうして (Why / How) どうして いきませんか (Why did you not go?). このかんじは どうして かくんですか (How do I write this Kanji?) どうして is used to ask the Why or How of something.
とくい (Am good at - polite) わたしは うたが とくい です (I am good at singing) とくい is a more humble way of talking about been good at something and generally should be used when talking about yourself or family rather than じょうず.
にがて (Am bad at - polite) わたしは うたが あまり にがて です (I am not very good at singing) にがて is a bit different in that it can mean not being good at, or not liking something.
すこし, とても, だいたい, よこ (+ Frequency) よく りんごを たべます (I often eat apples) For + frequency words the sentence should be in positive form.
あまり, ぜんぜん (- Frequency) あまり りんごを たべません (I don’t eat apples often) For - Frequency terms the sentence should take negative form.
あります (to be - inanimate) あそこに りんごが あります (There is an apple over there) あります is always used for inanimate objects. Interesting plants are considered inanimate. Its more can something think and act on its own, rather than is something alive.
います (to be - animate) あそこに ねこが います (There is a cat over there) います is always used for any animate objects that can think and act on their own.
X や X など (Incomplete list) りんご や いちご など が すきです (I like apples and strawberries among other things) The pattern <thing>や<thing>など Is used to indicate the list of items is incomplete.
いくつ (Asking how many) りんごが いくつ ありますか (How many apples are there?) Used to ask how many of a thing there are.
かん / 間 (Amount of time) 私の 国 から 日本で 飛行機で 4時間 かかります (From my country it takes 4 hours by plane to Japan) Used to specify an amount of time something takes or is done for.
だけ (Only / Just) 毎日 一時間 だけ 勉強します (Everyday I only study for 1 hour) Can be used pretty much anywhere. Makes the marked noun/verb/adjective as only. In the case of the example implying only an hour is a short amount of time to study.
どのくらい (How Long) 田中さんは どのくらい 日本語を 勉強しましたか (Tanaka, how long have you studied Japanese for) Used to ask how long someone has done something for. Prob more to this to check later and update.
ぐらい / くらい (Approximately) 1年 くらい 日本語を 勉強しました (I have studied Japanese for around 1 year) Used to mark a statement as an approximation. As far as I can tell ぐらい and くらい are interchangeable?
かかります (Duration to go) 大阪 から 東京 まで 新幹線で どのくらい かかりますか (How long does it take to get from Osaka to Tokyo via ShinnKanSenn) Used to ask or answer how long something takes.
とき (At the time) こどもの とき なにが すきじゃありませんでしたか (When you were a kid, what did you not like) Used to set the time context of the sentence.
どちらが (Which one (of 2?) adjectives) 犬 と 猫 と どちらが すきですか (Do you like Dogs or Cats?) Used in a question to present a choice between 2 options.
どちらも (Both) どちらも すきです (I like both) Used to say you like both (all?) of the presented options
のほうが (More Than) 漢字 のほうが むずかいです (Kanji is the most complicated) Used as more than in a comparison
より (Less Than) バスは 電車 より おそいです (The train is less slow than the bus) Used as less than in a comparison
ずっと (Very More in comparison) 漢字 のほうが ずっと 難しい です (Kanji is much more difficult) Used in a comparison to say x is much more <adjective> in comparison to y
ほしい (Want) 新しい ゲームが 欲しいです (I want a new game) Used at the end of a sentence to say you want something. Used in the format <Noun> が ほしいです.
ほしくないです (Do not want) いいえ ほしくないです (No, I do not want) Negative conjugation of ほしい to indicate not wanting something
なにか (Anything?) なにか 食べたいです (I want to eat anything)  not sure on details…. tbd
います to て Form (Doing “ing”) 女の人は 話しています (A woman is talking) Makes the て Form represent an action currently being performed. For this います is appended to the て Form form. いません can also be used for the negative to say something is not currently being done.
かた (How / Method) この 漢字 の 読みかた (How to read this kanji?) かた / is used to ask / tell the how or method to do something
住んでいます (Residing) どこに 住んでいましたか (Where did you live) This is just vocab, no?
いけません (do not do) 教室で たべては いけません (do not eat in the classroom) To instruct that an action is prohibited. This is used in the form <て Form>(を/は)<いけません>
てもいい (You can do) 食べ物を 食べて もいい です (It is ok if you eat). まど を 閉めて もいいですか (is it ok to close the window) To instruct that an action is ok. This is used in the form <て Form><もいい>です
から (The reason is) 頭が 痛い から。学校を 休んでいます (I have a headache thus wont be at school) Used to provide a reason for something. As like any grammar point it is appended to the statement it is modifying.
どうやって (How to) 中国語で どうやって 書きますか (How to write (Subject) in Chinese) how, in what way, by what means (not in this lesson?)
て-Form-から (before / since) うちへ 帰ってから ばんごはんを たべまし (I returned home, then ate dinner) Used to mark something as happening first or before another thing
てください (Please do) 来てください (Please come). 飲んでください (Please drink) Polite way to ask someone to do something. Usage is: <て-Form><ください>
ないでください (Please don’t do) 来ないでください (Please do not come). 飲まないでください (Please don’t drink) Polite way to ask someone not to do something. Usage is: <たい-Form><でください>
なければ なりません (Must do / bad) シートベルトを しなければなりません (You must use a seatbelt (even though you don’t want to)) You have to do something with the implication of it being something you don't want to do.
なければ いけません (Must do / good) シートベルトを しなければいけません (You must use a seatbelt (and its something you want to do)) You have to do something with the implication of it being something you do want to do.
こと (Noun Bundler) 泳ぐこと (泳ぐ modified into a noun.) Turns a Verb into a Noun. This allows it to be marked with particles such as .
(ことが)できます (Able to Do) 空手ができる (Able to do Karate). 漢字を読むことができますか (is (subject) capable of reading this sentence?) Attached to a Noun to say or ask is something is able to be done.
(ことが)あります (I have done) 飛行機に乗ったことがない (I have not ridden a plane before) Can be used in any tense to say you have or have not been able to experience something before.
しゅみ (like / hobby) しゅみは カラオケ です ((Subject) likes Karaoke). しゅみは テニスを 遊び ことです ((Subject) Enjoys playing tennis) Used to express something is a hobby or enjoyable. This needs to be done with a noun so こと can be used to make verbs into nouns in this case.
までに (by/before) 明日までに 宿題しなければなりません (Homework must be done by tomorrow) Marks a time in the future to indicate that time as a time limit for the action in the sentence.
まえに (Before/ago time) 2ヶ月 まえに にゅうがく しました (2 months ago (Subject) was a new student). 6年 まえに きました ((Subject) had come here 6 years ago). たべる まえに はらいます (Before eating, pay) Used to say something happened or was x amount of time ago.
<た-Form> ありません 食べた ことが ありません (I have not yet had the experience of eating) An expression used to say you have not yet had the experience of doing x.
たり (Chaining Verbs) 飲んだり 食べたりしました ((Subject) drank and ate among other things) Used to create an incomplete list of actions. Much like the particle for things. In effect is appended to the form, However the tense of the final action listed determines the tense of the whole sentence.
たり (Chaining Adjectives) --- (—) Used to create an incomplete list of states something can be in.
たり (Chaining Nouns) --- (—) Used to create an incomplete list of possible scenarios.
<に>なります (Change) かれは 25歳 になりました (He turned 25). たかくなりました (Became Tall) Used to state change. Usage is <Noun><に>なります, <い-Adjective><く>なります
Verb Types n/a Types of verbs. Ichidan, Godan and Irregular. Please see linked page for detailed info.
まだ (not yet) もう 昼ご飯を 食べましたか (Have you already eaten lunch?) いいえ まだです (No, Not yet) まだです is used to respond to a question saying you have not yet done something.
こと and もの (thing) 面白い ことが ない (Nothing interesting) Both mean thing but もの is used for literal objects while こと is used for more abstract thing.
いきます と きます n/a いきます(行きます)To Go. きます(来ます)To Come. Always used from the speakers perspective. Therefore いきます is used when the speaker is talking about going to somewhere they are not currently. きます is used when the speaker is talking about coming to the location they are currently at.