日本語 - Grammar Level 3

Grammar levels here will loosely correlate to JLPT levels, but more closely follow the Genki Series. This is intended to be a quick reference guide for myself by maybe it could be useful to others



Particle Example Short Summary
----- わたしは Aです (I am A) Particle to mark subject of a sentence, In this case わたし/I


Form Example Short Summary
------- 食べよう (Lets Eat) The Volitional form changes something into an Invitation to do an action. The base word 食べる becomes 食べよう making it an invitation to the action of eating. "Lets Eat". (See Conjugations for how to conjugate into the Volitional form)

Sentence Enders

Sentence Enders Example Short Summary
------ わたしは Aです (I am A) To state something is used at end of sentence.

Grammar Points

Grammar Point Example Short Summary
としたら 日本に行くとしたら、京都に行きたいです (Supposing I go to Japan, I want to visit Kyoto) If [A] were the case. [A]としたら
もしも[A]なら もしも試験に合格したなら、パーティーを開きます (If I pass the exam, I will throw a party) If [A] is the case. もしも[A]なら
ばかりか 彼は英語ばかりか、フランス語も話せる (Not only does he speak English, but he can also speak French) Not only [A] but also [B]. [A]ばかりか[B]
もし[A]としても もし明日雨が降るとしても、ピクニックに行きます (Even if it rains tomorrow (which is unlikely), I will go on the picnic) Even if [A] were the case (where it is unlikely). もし[A]としても
その為 (そのため) 彼は病気です。その為、今日の会議には参加できません (He is sick. Because of that, he cannot attend today’s meeting) Because of a [A], then [B] is true. [A]. その為[B]
なぜなら 彼は学校を休みました。なぜなら、熱があったからです (He missed school. The reason is that he had a fever) [A] was done because/decided of [B]. [A]. なぜなら[B]
それと パンをください。それと、牛乳もください (Please give me bread. And also, milk) [A] as well as [B]. [A]. それと, [B]